Two of Swords

Two of Swords

In the image, we see a woman with blindfolded eyes holding two swords in front of her, blocking the path to the Moon, creating an antithesis to The High Priestess card. This signifies blindly searching our path on the intellectual plane, disregarding our inner intuitions. The dark clouds and the crescent moon in the background represent changeability and the mystery of emotions, which the woman in the image turns her back on. The Two of Swords suggests that the querent is in a complex situation where a difficult decision must be made, and finding the best solution requires inner wisdom and balance.

General Meaning

Lack of Inner Intuition, Conflict, Overthinking, Desperation

The Two of Swords encourages us to listen to our inner voice and seek balance between logical thinking and emotions.


Emotional Dilemmas, Distrust, Doubt
In matters of love, the Two of Swords may indicate that we are struggling with emotional dilemmas, and there is currently a dissonance between parties on an emotional level.


Decision-making Difficulties, Paralysis
In career matters, the Two of Swords alerts us that our challenges can lead to internal saturation if we rely solely on our intellect and suppress our inner intuition.

Reversed Two of Swords

Indecision, Confusion
In a reversed position, the Two of Swords points to indecision, confusion, and postponed decisions, which can be resolved by lowering our swords that block the path to our inner intuition.