Five of Swords

Five of Swords

We see a man leaving the battlefield with a triumphant expression, holding three swords he has just plundered. Behind him, we observe his adversaries fleeing, leaving their swords behind. The plundered swords encircle the man's neck like scissors, of which he seems unaware of the danger. The Five of Swords often signifies that victory comes at a high price. The querent may be in a situation where their efforts have brought about contrary results, and they must face the possibility of revenge from the defeated parties.

General Meaning

The cost of victory, Conflict, Deceit, Humiliation

The Five of Swords warns us to weigh the conflicts we engage in and recognize situations where victory may come at a high personal or moral cost. It also highlights that resolving conflicts might sometimes require compassion or withdrawal.


Relationship battles, Violence, Tension
In love, the Five of Swords may suggest that there are disputes and tensions in a relationship that need resolution.


Workplace competition, Clashing viewpoints, Toxic environment
In career contexts, the Five of Swords signifies competition, poisoned conflicts, and harsh confrontations.

Reversed Five of Swords

Avoiding conflict, Compromise, Reconciliation
When reversed, the Five of Swords may suggest that luck has been in your favor in the conflict so far, but it might be time to withdraw or adopt a new position.