Five of Wands

Five of Wands

The Five of Wands depicts five individuals, each brandishing a Wand as if engaged in battle. However, their movements suggest that this is more of a mock fight or some sort of competition rather than an all-out conflict. A sixth person is visibly pushed out of the ring. The chaotic energy is almost palpable as everyone competes for a position, trying to make their voice heard or demonstrate their strength. The tangled overlap of the Wands indicates disorganization but also the possibility of constructive conflict if harnessed properly. In the background, the canopy of a forest is visible through which light filters, hinting at clarity and solutions that can emerge after the resolution of the struggle.

General Meaning

Competition, struggle, conflict, differing viewpoints. The Five of Wands is often associated with competition and battle, indicating a period of conflict might be forthcoming. It can represent the healthy challenge of meeting differing viewpoints and the opportunity for creative solutions if energy is directed positively.


Challenges, debates, competition for attention. In love readings, it may signify rivalry within the relationship, such as minor arguments or competing for attention.


Team conflict, competition, negotiation. In career, this card signifies competing for a position or dominance. It advises finding common ground so that conflict becomes a breeding ground for growth and innovation.

Reversed Five of Wands

Avoidance of conflict, fear of competition, internal struggle. Reversed, the Five of Wands points to conflict avoidance or internal struggle, where external conflicts become internalized. It may indicate fear of competition, or reluctance to stand up for one's beliefs. Confront these challenges and find the courage to deal with conflict constructively, rather than avoiding it or letting it turn inward.