Seven of Wands

Seven of Wands

A man stands on high ground defending himself against a group of adversaries below. He actively participates in the conflict, holding a Wand defensively while six other wands are aimed towards him from below, each held by an adversary. The man's facial expression shows determination, bravely facing his opponents.

General Meaning

Defense, resilience, standing your ground
The Seven of Wands encourages you to stand firmly in your convictions, hold your position, and fight for what you believe in, even when outnumbered.


Jealousy threatening the relationship, setting boundaries
In matters of the heart, this card may indicate the need to defend a relationship or overcome obstacles together. It could suggest jealousy within the relationship from one party, testing limits: how far can we go?


Competition, defending achievements, perseverance.
Professionally, the Seven of Wands may signal competition; you need to stand your ground against rivals. It suggests that perseverance and agility are required to maintain your position.

Reversed Seven of Wands

Overwhelmed, overpowered.
In a reversed position, the Seven of Wands may indicate exhaustion leading to a need to relent resistance. It could suggest facing overwhelming forces, necessitating a more diplomatic solution.