Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

On the card, seven cups filled with various dreams and desires float above a mystical, smoke-emitting disk. This disk also represents a swirling water surface from which a female figure emerges. In the corner, we see a hand, possibly belonging to a magician, ready to reveal the cause of this confusion at any moment. Moreover, each cup reflects a face on its side. The contents and meanings of the cups are as follows:

  • Brushes and palette = the illusion of talent
  • Scorpio = fertility, pain
  • Head covered with a veil = the hidden self
  • Snake = power, energy
  • Crystals = soul
  • Castle = the illusion of security
  • Laurel wreath = desire for victory

General Meaning

Choices, Illusions, Wishes
In its upright position, the Seven of Cups suggests that while numerous opportunities are before us, we must be wary of the allure of illusions and desires. It's crucial to distinguish reality from fantasy and make decisions based on solid foundations.


Fantasies, Unrealistic Expectations, Multiple Interests
In love, the card warns against harboring unrealistic expectations and advises caution when faced with multiple potential romantic interests, whose true nature should be thoroughly examined.


Career Goals, Decision-Making, Boasting
In the realm of career, the Seven of Cups points to an abundance of career choices and decisions, cautioning us not to fall into the trap of boasting and to stick to practical plans.

Reversed Seven of Cups

Clarity, Concentration, Determination
Reversed, the Seven of Cups signifies emerging from confusion and moving towards clear decisions, preparing us to recognize and seize the opportunities that are most realistic and achievable for us.