Five of Cups

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups represents deep personal loss and mourning. A figure cloaked in dark garments stands in a desolate landscape, head bowed in sorrow. Behind them, three cups have fallen to the ground, while two remain upright. The spilled cups symbolize the end of something joyful, while the standing cups represent people or thoughts the mourner can cling to, to alleviate their pain. The barren landscape and ruins of abandoned buildings recall past glories, while the river flowing through the landscape serves as a metaphor for letting emotions flow through.

General Meaning

Mourning, Loss, Negative Focus
The Five of Cups brings forth feelings of grief and loss, as well as a focus on the negative aspects of a situation. While it's important to confront loss, the card also reminds us to acknowledge what remains and let positive energies influence us.


Heartache, Emotional Suffering, Clinging to the Past
In matters of the heart, the Five of Cups signals mourning and deep emotional pain, often stemming from clinging to past wounds. It highlights the importance of focusing more on the present to pave the way for potential future relationships.


Professional Obstacles, Disappointments, Perspective
Professionally, the Five of Cups may indicate obstacles and disappointments. It reminds us of the importance of learning from experiences and not to dwell in regret but rather seek other promising opportunities.

Reversed Five of Cups

Moving On, Acceptance, Hope
Reversed, the Five of Cups signifies a shift from dwelling on past pain towards acceptance and healing. It suggests the process of moving on and learning from past disappointments, encouraging recognition of the positives.