Page of Swords

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords depicts a young man standing against the howling wind on a rocky mountaintop, determinedly scanning the sky. In his hand, he holds a greatsword, ready to use it against whatever comes in his way. In the background, clouds race wildly, symbolizing the endless possibilities and intellectual challenges that lie before the page.

General Meaning

Curiosity, Exploration, Sharp wit

The Page of Swords inspires us to be open to new ideas and to exercise our minds, using our logic to approach the challenges in our lives. The card symbolizes mental agility, the development of reason, and intellectual growth.


Intellectual connection, Exploration, Communication
In matters of love, the Page of Swords represents an intellectual attraction, and indicates that logic and fresh ideas are also needed in the relationship.


New ideas, Ambition, Desire to learn
From a career perspective, the card suggests embarking on new projects, satisfying a thirst for knowledge, and aspiring for professional advancement.

Reversed Page of Swords

Impatience, Unbridled curiosity, Hurtful remarks
When reversed, the Page of Swords can signify impatience, irresponsible statements that can wound others.