Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

In the spotlight, we see a figure buckling under the weight they are carrying. Despite the signs of exhaustion on their face, they persistently move forward, burdened yet determined, showcasing their sense of responsibility and perseverance. The path ahead remains hidden, signaling that the struggle is not yet over, but the determination is clear.

General Meaning

Burden, Overcommitment, Responsibility
The Ten of Wands indicates a situation where someone has taken on too much and is struggling to cope with the expectations placed upon them. It highlights the need to consider our capacity and, if necessary, share our burdens with others.


Relationship stress, carrying emotional burdens, overwhelming feelings
In love, the Ten of Wands may speak to stress caused by emotional burdens within a relationship. It may indicate that one partner feels overwhelmed by relationship expectations, urging a better sharing of feelings and striving for a fair distribution of burdens.


Workplace stress, overwhelming projects, the need to prioritize
Professionally, the Ten of Wands signifies work-related stress and the overload caused by tasks. It encourages setting priorities and asking for help or setting more realistic goals.

Reversed Ten of Wands

Letting go of burdens, delegation
In the reversed position, the Ten of Wands refers to letting go of burdens and shedding responsibilities that no longer belong to us. It may indicate the necessity to learn to delegate, the importance of seeking help, or reorganizing tasks to reduce stress.