King of Wands

King of Wands

The King sits on a throne sprouting from a living tree, his posture radiating confidence and charisma. He holds a long staff, and his attire, in shades of green and red, blends almost seamlessly with the colorful leaves of the autumn forest. The King's presence brings to life the volatility and dynamism of the fire element, underscored by a salamander resting at his feet.

General Meaning

Charisma, Confidence, Temperament
The King of Wands symbolizes a man brimming with explosive energy, willfulness, and vigor. His characteristics include boldness, enthusiasm, and a propensity for active engagement. When relating to a woman, these traits are experienced within her inner world.


Passion, Romantic Partner, Initiative
In love, the King of Wands signifies a passionate and romantic partner. It could represent the querent or indicate that someone akin to the King of Wands will play a significant role for the querent.


Leader, Ambition, Execution
In terms of career, this card denotes ambition, drive, and the ability to execute, suggesting that a dynamic, entrepreneurial man will play an important role in our work, which could also be us.

Reversed King of Wands

Excessive Pride, Control Freak, Rashness
When reversed, the King of Wands warns that we might not be ready to step into action. It could hint at a leader appointed prematurely, who is not yet up to the task.