King of Cups

King of Cups

The King of Cups sits serenely on his shell throne as foaming waves crash over him in the stormy sea. He holds his realm's symbol, the golden cup, with ease and confidence. His expression is calm, his gaze steadfast, reflecting his dominion over the realm of emotions. His golden crown and ornate robes signify high status and authority, while the turbulent water around him symbolizes the ever-changing emotional landscape he skillfully navigates. To the king's left, a fish leaps from the water, adding dynamism to the scene and alluding to the death of the Page of Cups, which signifies a creative spark, as well as the nature of emotions and the depths of the subconscious that the King of Cups can access. The ship tossing on the sea symbolizes the water's bearing capacity. Kings typically represent a person, and the King of Cups is a man who is lively, stable, highly resilient, and possesses mature emotional intelligence. If drawn regarding a woman, it means she possesses qualities similar to the king.

General Meaning

Emotional Balance, Diplomacy
In its upright position, the King of Cups represents emotional balance and mature navigation of the emotional world. "His nerves are made of rope," they say of the King of Cups, not suspecting the serious path behind him towards the emotional stability he has acquired. The King of Cups can be a good mediator because he sees the emotional needs of both sides, therefore his diplomatic role is often indisputable.


Emotional Support, Mature Love, Understanding Partner
In love matters, the King of Cups embodies a partner who provides emotional support and understanding. With his maturity and deep love, he brings stability and a caring presence to the relationship.


Empathetic Leader, Counselor, Earned Authority
In a career reading, the King of Cups indicates a leadership character who can rally people with significant empathy and compassion. He can be a counselor or mentor who provides support, but he may also represent a therapist or someone with mediumistic abilities.

Reversed King of Cups

Emotional Disharmony, Volatility, Withdrawal
The reversed King of Cups warns that we may not be in tune with our inner emotions. This card calls us to recognize and address our suppressed feelings and their impact on our lives. It presents an opportunity to strengthen our emotional self-control. Self-help books, journaling, or consulting with a trained counselor or hypnotherapist can aid us in gaining deeper insight into the workings of our subconscious mind and managing our hidden emotions.