XIX. - The Sun

The Sun

In the dazzling rays of the Sun, a child joyfully rides a white horse, embodying the purest manifestation of success and vitality. Sunflowers surround them, symbolizing a bright, cheerful period and the nourishing power of the sun. The child's red flag flutters in the wind, a sign of freedom and courage. It's time to express your true self and share your light with the world.

General Meaning

Joy, Success, Celebration, Positivity
The Sun heralds a period of joy and success, encouraging celebration and a positive, dynamic outlook on life.


Warmth, Positive Energy, Fulfillment
In matters of the heart, it signifies warmth and positive energy, pointing to the fulfillment and happiness of relationships.


Achievement, Enthusiasm, Public Recognition
In a career context, The Sun indicates achievements, enthusiasm for work, and potential public recognition.

Reversed Sun

Temporary Setbacks, Diminished Joy, Pessimism
Reversed, The Sun suggests temporary setbacks that may dampen joy and enthusiasm, calling for a revival of optimism and positivity.