Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

The image depicts a family standing together, united, admiring the cups that ascend in a rainbow-like arc against a beautiful sunset. A castle illuminated by golden light in the distance symbolizes home. Generally, the card promises family harmony and fulfillment.

General Meaning

Emotional Fulfillment, Family Harmony, Joy
The Ten of Cups signifies a period when emotions are in harmony, and we feel fulfilled in every important aspect of life. This phase is characterized by the warmth of home, deepening family relationships, and quality time spent together.


Harmony, Shared Happiness, Starting a Family
In terms of love, this card primarily tells us about the family as a unit of belonging. The children in the picture may suggest that the time for starting a family is near, or generally, a harmonious period with children is forthcoming in our lives.


Family-like Team, Unity, Achievement
If it appears in a professional reading, it may refer to a workplace with a familial atmosphere, or where work-life balance is well managed. It indicates satisfaction with our job and maintaining good relationships with colleagues.

Reversed Ten of Cups

Dissatisfaction, Disharmony
In a reversed position, the Ten of Cups can indicate unresolved inner conflicts related to not finding our place in family life, where reality does not meet our expectations. If unresolved, it can deprive us of the harmony we could experience within the family over the long term.