Six of Swords

Six of Swords

A melancholic image at its core, this card shows a boat with a ferryman and two passengers, possibly a parent and child, gliding over calm waters at sunset, symbolizing peaceful transition and leaving difficult times behind. The boat carries six swords, representing past troubles and the experiences we bring along. The card suggests it's time to leave the past behind and move towards a new, more promising future.

General Meaning

Transition, Letting go, New direction

The Six of Swords indicates an event where we leave behind past difficulties and move towards a more peaceful, harmonious future. The card emphasizes the necessity of letting go and being open to new opportunities and changes. It may also signify moving or embarking on a challenging journey.


Emotional transition, New beginning, Reconciliation
In love readings, the Six of Swords may point to a gradual separation process from a previous relationship or hint at a budding new relationship that we enter into tentatively.


Career change, Caution, Slow adaptation, Stage fright
Career-wise, the Six of Swords may suggest that it's time for a change and to seek new opportunities that can facilitate personal and professional growth.

Reversed Six of Swords

Stalled progress, Resistance to change, Inner turmoil
When reversed, the Six of Swords can indicate stalled progress, resistance to changes, or internal conflicts that hinder advancement and development.