Five of Coins

The image shows two beggars seeking shelter by the outer wall of a cathedral during the freezing winter cold. One stands with his crutch buried in the snow; the other sits with his head bowed, pondering his dire situation. Warm light emanates from the windows of the church, contrasting with the cold darkness outside, suggesting inner wealth. This card depicts scarcity and hard times, as well as the symbol of the absence or unreachability of social support.
General Meaning
Scarcity, Loss, Hard Times, Lack of Social Support
The Five of Coins draws attention to material and emotional deprivation, challenging life situations, and poverty, highlighting our hunger for compassion and support.
Emotional Deprivation, Relationship Struggles, Companionship in Adversity
In matters of love, the Five of Coins may indicate financial difficulties within relationships and can represent a bond where parties provide mutual support during tough times.
Professional Barriers, Financial Challenges, Need for External Support
In career aspects, the card warns of workplace obstacles and financial challenges, as well as the necessity for a supporting community or mentor.
Reversed Five of Coins
Financial Recovery, Positive Changes, Arrival of Support
Reversed, the Five of Coins may signal financial improvement, positive change, and the arrival of support, forecasting the overcoming of hard times and improvement of the situation.
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