Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

A solitary traveler clad in a red cloak embarks on a perilous journey upstream in a creek bed. As the traveler leaves behind the path lined with eight glowing cups, they must rely solely on the whimsical light of the moon to navigate through the razor-sharp rocks of the gorge. The full moon hovering over the stream reflects as a crescent on the water surface, indicating fears and uncertainties. The red cloak and the staff signify a journey undertaken voluntarily. The eight cups left behind represent emotional or spiritual attachments that no longer serve the traveler. Crossing the barren landscape suggests that leaving the familiar for the new does not come with immediate rewards; the outcome of the journey can only be seen in the long term.

General Meaning

Letting Go, Searching for Life's Purpose, New Path
The Eight of Cups demands courage and determination to venture into the unknown. It signifies that it's time to leave behind situations that no longer satisfy and trust our inner voice when searching for a new, deeper meaning or purpose.


Opening Up to Deeper Connections
In love, the Eight of Cups encourages us to leave behind superficial or unsatisfying relationships and open up to deeper emotions and bonds that resonate with our soul.


New Professional Directions
Professionally, the card suggests considering a change if our current job no longer reflects our true passion or values, and to have the courage to follow the path our heart indicates.

Reversed Eight of Cups

Fear of Change, Delaying Moving Forward
Reversed, the Eight of Cups warns of resistance to change or fear of making alterations. It may indicate being stuck in the familiar and the need to find our inner strength and bravery to open a new chapter in our life.