Nine of Coins

Nine of Coins

Among lush, leafy grapevines, we see a young noble lady wearing a richly decorated gold and purple dress, with a falcon resting on her right hand and a cup of wine in her left. She wears a garland of flowers on her head. In the background, a vineyard and a distant castle are visible, representing abundance and wealth. At the bottom of the card, nine coins are arranged, each with a pentagram in the center, symbolizing the balance between spiritual and material wealth. This card is about self-realization, well-being, and wealth, emphasizing the importance of achieved results and independence.

General Meaning

Self-realization, Well-being, Wealth, Independence
The Nine of Coins encourages us to appreciate life's small joys, enjoy our achievements, and be grateful for the material and spiritual abundance we experience around us. The card also reminds us that independence and self-confidence are key to achieving happiness.


Self-sufficiency, Harmonious Relationship, Self-esteem
In love, the Nine of Coins may suggest that maintaining personal space and independence is important for a harmonious relationship. This card can also symbolize balance and self-esteem.


Success, Satisfaction, Financial Security
From a career perspective, the Nine of Coins points to job satisfaction and financial security, which are the results of autonomy and persistent work.

Reversed Nine of Coins

Overemphasis on Independence, Financial Worries, Dissatisfaction
Reversed, the Nine of Coins may warn of an overemphasis on autonomy, financial concerns, or dissatisfaction that can hinder enjoyment of life.