XIV. - Temperance


An angelic figure gracefully stands at the edge of a lily-covered pond. In each hand, it holds a chalice, between which a golden stream of water flows, indicating the proper mixing ratio of the alchemy of life. On its forehead, it bears the symbol of the Sun, and on its brooch, an equilateral triangle on a white square, symbolizing the temple of the body and health. In the distance, snow-covered mountains emit a mystical light towards us. The flowing stream of water conveys the message of temperance and patience. The card speaks of the necessity of finding the middle way and harmoniously aligning different forces.

General Meaning

Balance, Moderation, Patience, Good Health
Temperance heralds a balanced approach to life, advocating moderation in all things and patience in difficulties.


Harmony, Balanced Relationship, Understanding
It suggests a harmonious and balanced relationship where understanding and compromise create lasting bonds.


Cooperation, Balanced Approach, Steady Progress
In career matters, it advises a constant, balanced approach and cooperation with others for long-term success.

Reversed Temperance

Imbalance, Excess, Lack of Long-Term Vision
Reversed, the Temperance card warns of imbalance, excesses, and a lack of long-term vision, urging a reassessment of the approach to preserve harmony.