Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

We see a bound and downcast female figure surrounded by eight red swords, as if she were in a prison. The water or dense fog reaching up to her knees enhances the sense of isolation and helplessness. The shoreline is only a few steps away, yet the exit from this marsh seems so distant and unreachable. This image represents limitation, self-imposed obstacles, and voluntary or forced resignation.

General Meaning

Limitation, Obstacles, Self-deception

The Eight of Swords highlights the need to recognize our inner limitations and the mental barriers that prevent us from freedom. The card encourages us to face our fears and the prisons we create for ourselves in order to find the path to liberation.


Internal struggles, Emotional barriers, Self-limitation
In love, the Eight of Swords suggests that we need to work on the internal conflicts between our heart and mind, to free ourselves from emotional barriers, thus enabling us to form fuller relationships.


Mental blocks, Self-limitation, Overthinking
We might be overthinking and worrying too much about our decisions. Or consciously giving up things dear to us to move towards an inspiring professional goal.

Reversed Eight of Swords

Liberation, Breaking down barriers, New perspectives
When reversed, the Eight of Swords indicates the dismantling of mental barriers and personal liberation, opening up new opportunities and perspectives for us.