Page of Wands

Page of Wands

The Page of Wands stands determinedly in a desert landscape, holding a staff that is sprouting leaves. The presence of fresh sprouts on the staff suggests that the page is at the beginning of something new, whether it's the birth of a creative project or idea. The page's attire is colorful and detailed, with patterns that suggest a fiery nature. The red feather in the cap draws parallels with The Fool and The Sun cards, while the salamander on the figure's shoulder is a symbol of fire, acting as a catalyst for change. The youth's gaze is fixed on the horizon, focusing on long-term goals.

General Meaning

Curiosity, Discovery, New Ideas, Enthusiasm
The Page of Wands symbolizes curiosity, the discovery of new ideas, and the enthusiasm for new ventures. It represents a free spirit with an adventurous approach to life, willing to take risks to follow dreams.


New Romance, Adventure, Social Activity, Flirtation
In love, this card may indicate a new romance filled with excitement and adventure or a period of social events and flirtation. It encourages an open and playful approach to love and relationships.


New Projects, Creative Ideas, Ambitious Pursuits
Professionally, the Page of Wands may suggest new projects or the emergence of creative ideas. It's time to act on these matters.

Reversed Page of Wands

Hesitation, Over-analysis, Procrastination
When reversed, the Page of Wands suggests focusing too much on potential pitfalls, preventing us from getting started. Perhaps it's time to lay something on the table and deal with concerns only when they truly arise.