Six of Coins

Six of Coins

In the image, a distinguished-looking man stands distributing coins to the poor of the city. He holds a balance in his hand, indicating that he donates with careful consideration and fairness. The gesture of extending his hand to the beggars symbolizes the act of sharing. This card expresses generosity, balance, social responsibility, and the importance of financial support.

General Meaning

Generosity, Balance, Social Responsibility, Support
The Six of Coins highlights the importance of giving, encouraging us to be generous and share our wealth with others.


Giving, Harmony, Shared Responsibility
In love, the Six of Coins signifies the importance of mutual support and creating balance between partners.


Workplace Balance, Financial Support, Ethical Conduct
In career matters, this card emphasizes the importance of workplace balance, creating financial well-being, ethical behavior, and community responsibility.

Reversed Six of Coins

Selfishness, Inequality, Lack of Support
Reversed, the Six of Coins may warn of selfishness, social inequalities, and the absence of needed support.