Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords charges forward on the battlefield with determination and recklessness. This figure symbolizes courage in the face of challenges and commitment to action but also warns of the unpleasant headwind, the frosty mood stirred by anger that it may bring along.

General Meaning

Unpleasant headwind, Anger, Frosty mood
In Tarot, the Knight of Swords often brings an atmosphere or mood that foregrounds martial energies and conflicts. The card warns that a tense atmosphere may develop in our surroundings, and we should be ready for unexpected challenges and confront conflicts head-on.


Tension, Conflicts, Emotional storms
In love, the Knight of Swords indicates a stormy period ahead where tensions and emotional conflicts come to the forefront, requiring courage and strength to manage.


Challenges, Wind of change, New strategies
In the career domain, the Knight of Swords symbolizes the wind of change and workplace conflicts.

Reversed Knight of Swords

Impulsivity, Irresponsibility, Rashness
In a reversed position, the Knight of Swords represents excessive impulsiveness, irresponsibility, and sudden, thoughtless actions that can lead to worsening situations.