0 - The Fool

The Fool

The Fool carelessly takes steps on an untraveled mountain path. His gaze dreamily fixed on the sky, unaware that his next step towards the gaping chasm could be his downfall. However, his faithful companion, a white dog, will likely warn him in time. The Fool's colorful clothing reflects his free spirit, and the white rose in his right hand symbolizes spiritual purity. He carries his necessities in a bag attached to a stick over his shoulder, leaving everything else behind. The red feather in his hair represents vitality and passion that drive him forward. The golden yellow sun illuminating the sky symbolizes the beginning, while the sharply rising mountains indicate the long and arduous journey the fool must undertake to find his way. The Fool embodies the carefree, liberated, and adventurous aspect of our selves, with a bag containing the potential for unfolding, requiring us to wander onto untraveled paths. The dog, however, reminds us to pay attention to our instincts and take care of our well-being.

General Meaning

Beginning, Optimism, Spontaneity, Adventure
The Fool's card celebrates new beginnings, willingness to experiment, and spontaneous adventurous spirit, encouraging us to seize opportunities fearlessly.


New Relationship, Fresh Start, Exploration
The Fool signifies a new beginning. If you're single, an exciting new encounter may be on the horizon. If you're in a relationship, it's time to rediscover spontaneity and innocence.


Opportunities, Fresh Starts, Innovation
In a career spread, The Fool indicates new opportunities, the potential for originality, and a willingness to take risks.

Reversed Fool

Rashness, Hesitation, Carelessness, Naivety
Reversed, The Fool warns of recklessness, naivety, or the consequences of a rash leap. It highlights the difference between boldness and foolhardiness.