XI. - Justice


Lady Justice sits on a carved stone throne with blindfolded eyes, symbolizing impartiality. The crown on her head represents the authority to deliberate. Her red robe indicates her passion for seeking truth. She holds a sword aloft in her hand, reminding us of the weight and responsibility of judgment. On one scale pan lies a heart, on the other a feather, referring to the ceremony depicted in the Book of the Dead, where the deceased's salvation is ultimately tested by the god of the underworld. The grey pillars in the background, which are neither black nor white, remind us of the importance of objectivity needed in decision-making. Justice wears a gemstone above her heart and another on her forehead, heralding the importance of harmony between a pure heart and intuition. The right side of the card is emphasized (forward stepping right foot), which is associated with fair judgment.

General Meaning

Fairness, Truth, Law, Cause and Effect
The card of Justice embodies the unshakeable balance of law and truth. We must take responsibility and be accountable for our actions and their consequences.


Equality, Respect, Responsibility
A relationship based on equality and respect. Each party is responsible for their own actions.


Ethics, Honesty, Fairness, Legal Matters
In career matters, Justice encourages ethical practices and honesty, advocating for objective decision-making.

Reversed Justice

Injustice, Lack of Responsibility, Dishonesty
Reversed, Justice warns of a lack of responsibility or dishonest practices that need to be addressed. It may indicate biased decision-making or susceptibility to bribery.