Six of Cups

Six of Cups

On the image, a little boy in a red hood is handing over a cup filled with white flowers to a smaller girl wearing a white scarf. The girl accepts the gift with a bit of shyness but joyfully. In the foreground, five additional cups filled with flowers are present. In the background, the buildings of a castle are visible, where the children seem to feel safe in its courtyard. The young children also represent our childhood memories, from which we can draw strength by reaching back.

General Meaning

Giving, Happy Memories, Tenderness, Kindness
The Six of Cups takes us back to the happy memories of the past, whether from childhood or teenage years. You might be revisiting these memories in thought, returning to your childhood home, reconnecting with childhood friends, attending a high school reunion, or meeting an old friend again. An adolescent love or a former sweetheart might also reappear. These connections bring joy and happiness as you recall the fun times spent together.


Childhood sweethearts, Innocent love
In love, the Six of Cups may bring innocence and simplicity back into your romantic relationship, rejuvenate an old romance, or bring up a past relationship. It suggests pure, uncomplicated love.


Revival of old goals, Joy in work
Professionally, a desire cherished in our youth that we can now realize as adults may emerge.

Reversed Six of Cups

Dwelling in the past, Nostalgia
Reversed, the Six of Cups warns of being stuck in the past, which can hinder present growth and progress. Perhaps there's an overglorification of the past, and optimism for anything good happening thereafter is diminished.