
The Author’s Foreword

Dear Reader,

I am thrilled to welcome you to a journey that intertwines the mystical with the modern, the traditional with the innovative. This tarot deck is not just a set of cards; it is a fusion of a lifelong fascination with the mystical, and a newfound love for AI-generated art.

My background in product design, which I studied in Budapest, nurtured my passion for creating things that not only look appealing but also resonate with users on a deeper level. This passion led me down diverse paths – from co-founding a carpooling startup to delving into the world of digital marketing and, most recently, exploring the fascinating realm of 3D printing in a Boston-based company.

However, amidst this odyssey, tarot cards have always held a special place in my heart. My mother, a former actress, painter, and a fortune teller for over 15 years, introduced me to the enigmatic world of tarot during my teenage years. Though I was initially captivated by the artistic symbolism of the cards, their deeper meanings remained elusive to me for years.

The advent of AI art was a turning point. What started as a hobby, dabbling with AI to reimagine tarot cards, soon blossomed into a passionate endeavor. I found myself on a quest to breathe new life into these ancient symbols, balancing the respect for traditional symbolism with the fresh perspective that digital art brings.

The creation of this deck has been a journey of discovery and learning. As I delved deeper into the world of tarot, I was guided by a wealth of books and the invaluable feedback from a Hungarian online community devoted to tarot enthusiasts. Their insights were instrumental in shaping this deck, ensuring that each card not only dazzled visually but also stayed true to its symbolic roots.

This deck, therefore, is a fusion of my experiences – a blend of my heritage, a decade in user experience design, and the innovative realm of AI and digital art. Each card is a piece of story, digitally retouched and overpainted to combine the traditional with the contemporary, the mystical with the accessible.

The notion of incorporating QR codes onto the card backs emerged from conversations with individuals passionate about tarot. It became apparent that referencing a booklet for card meanings could be a cumbersome process, particularly for those in the early stages of their tarot journey. The idea struck me during a moment of near-slumber. While QR codes are frequently associated with industrial contexts, I made every effort to seamlessly integrate them into the card aesthetics. I wish this feature will inspire newcomers to persist in their exploration, while potentially revealing hidden symbols or fresh perspectives to experienced practitioners.

As you hold this first edition in your hands, I hope it brings you joy, inspiration, and guidance on your spiritual journey, whether for personal reflection or for aiding others. May these cards be your companions in unraveling the mysteries of life, just as they have been in mine.

Warm regards,
Márton Temesi

Getting Started with Tarot

Welcome to the enigmatic realm of Tarot. You are about to embark on a journey that has enchanted seekers for generations, weaving together art, symbolism, intuition, and a touch of the mystical to offer guidance and insights.

A Journey Through Time

Tarot cards have a rich and complex history, evolving over centuries from a simple card game into a tool for divination and self-reflection. The earliest known tarot decks originated in 15th-century Italy, where they were used for a game called “tarocchi”. These early decks were hand-painted, luxurious items for the upper classes, with the most famous early deck, the Visconti-Sforza tarot, commissioned by the Duke of Milan in the mid-1400s. These cards included four suits similar to modern playing cards, along with additional trump cards with allegorical illustrations.

The mystical and divinatory use of tarot cards became more prominent in the 18th century. During this period, a myth emerged that the cards were derived from ancient Egyptian wisdom, a belief popularized by figures like Antoine Court de Gébelin. Around the same time, the French fortune-teller Marie Anne Lenormand popularized a different form of card reading using a unique deck, which contributed to the evolution of tarot as a tool for divination. Tarot reading became increasingly popular and was adopted and adapted by various cultures,including Romani people, who played a role in the spread and evolution of tarot traditions across Europe.

The tarot deck as known today was heavily influenced by the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, first published in 1909. Created by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith, this deck featured detailed, symbolic images on all 78 cards and became the blueprint for most contemporary tarot decks. In recent decades, tarot has experienced a resurgence in popularity and has been embraced by a diverse range of cultures and communities. Modern decks often deviate from traditional imagery and themes, reflecting contemporary issues and a wide array of artistic styles, making tarot an ever-evolving tool for personal and spiritual reflection.

Tarot in Today’s World

In our fast-paced modern world, laden with distractions and noise, the Tarot serves as a beacon of reflection and introspection. It allows us a pause, offering a lens to view our lives from a different perspective. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, looking to interpret specific situations, or finding meaning amidst the chaos, the Tarot invites you to dive deeper into your psyche, awakening intuition and encouraging self-exploration.

Empowerment through Tarot

Tarot is not merely a deck of cards but a mirror to your soul, reflecting back what often lies beneath your conscious awareness. The cards don’t determine your destiny; they offer perspectives, nudging you to trust your intuition. Engage with the cards, let their stories speak to you, and you might just find them whispering truths you’ve always known but haven’t yet acknowledged.

A Gentle Caution

As you tread this path, it’s essential to remember that while Tarot can be a guiding light, it should never overshadow your own judgment or free will. Life is a dance of destiny and choice. Let the Tarot inspire and guide, but never become so dependent that you unconditionally follow the cards’ advice. Seek wisdom, not absolutes.

Your First Tarot Venture

Starting your journey with Tarot can be both exciting and ambiguous at the same time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your first tarot experience is meaningful and empowering.

  1. Finding the Perfect Environment: To begin with, find a calm and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. The energy of the space is essential, so consider cleansing it with some sage, incense, or simply by ensuring it’s clean and tidy. Lighting a candle or having some soft background music can further enhance the atmosphere.
  2. Grounding Yourself: Before diving in, take a few deep breaths. Close your eyes, dedicate your attention to the presence.
  3. Setting Your Intention: Think about the situation or area in your life where you seek guidance. Allow your mind to focus on this, pushing other distracting thoughts to the background.
  4. Choosing a Spread: Various spreads offer different perspectives. Start with a simple three-card layout and gradually explore more complex arrangements.
  5. Framing Your Question: Pose open-ended questions for deeper reflection. Avoid yes/no inquiries. Instead of “Will I find love?” ask, “What should I understand about my love life?”
  6. Shuffling the Cards: While keeping your question in mind, shuffle the cards. This infuses them with your energy and intention.
  7. Cutting the Deck: Traditionally, the deck is cut or “raised” using the left hand because it’s often believed to be closer to the subconscious mind and your intuitive faculties.
  8. Drawing the Cards: Using your left hand, draw the number of cards required for your chosen spread. Place them face down in the order the spread instructs.
  9. Interpreting the Cards: Reveal the cards one at a time, letting your intuition and the imagery guide you. Your personal intuition and context are key to understanding. In case you need guidance, just flip the card over and scan the provided unique QR code with your phone’s camera or QR code reader application. The link will bring you to the card’s description on
  10. Reflecting and Journaling: After the reading, spend a few moments reflecting on the insights and guidance offered by the cards. Consider jotting down your interpretations in a tarot journal, allowing you to track your progress and reflect on past readings.


The Tarot offers a mirror to our inner selves, reflecting our journeys, challenges, and potentials. The cards can provide nuanced insights into specific situations, weaving a narrative of past, present, and future. As you delve deeper into understanding each card, you’ll find that their symbolism, when combined, can paint a comprehensive picture of our life’s myriad situations.

The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana are the heart of the Tarot deck, consisting of 22 cards that represent life’s karmic and spiritual lessons. They tell the story of The Fool’s journey, a symbolic narrative of our own journeys through life.

  • The Fool (0): A symbol of new beginnings, potential, and adventures undertaken with a sense of optimism.
  • The Magician (I): This card signifies manifesting one’s vision and realizing power.
  • The High Priestess (II): A card of intuition, hidden knowledge, and the subconscious mind.
  • The Empress (III): Represents fertility, creativity, and the nurturing of nature.
  • The Emperor (IV): Symbolizes authority, structure, and control.
  • The Hierophant (V): Embodies traditional values and structured belief systems.
  • The Lovers (VI): Indicates love, harmony, relationships, and important choices.
  • The Chariot (VII): Represents willpower, determination, and overcoming obstacles.
  • Strength (VIII): Symbolizes courage, persuasion, influence, and compassion.
  • The Hermit (IX): Embodies introspection, soul-searching, and seeking solitude for guidance.
  • Wheel of Fortune (X): Signifies luck, karma, and life cycles.
  • Justice (XI): Represents fairness, truth, and the law.
  • The Hanged Man (XII): A card of surrender, letting go, and new perspectives.
  • Death (XIII): Symbolizes endings, transformations, and transitions.
  • Temperance (XIV): Indicates balance, moderation, and patience.
  • The Devil (XV): Embodies materialism, playfulness, and earthly desires.
  • The Tower (XVI): Signifies sudden change, upheaval, and chaos.
  • The Star (XVII): Represents hope, faith, and rejuvenation.
  • The Moon (XVIII): Symbolizes illusion, fear, and anxiety.
  • The Sun (XIX): Embodies positivity, fun, warmth, and success.
  • Judgement (XX): Indicates reflection, reckoning, and awakening.
  • The World (XXI): Represents completion, achievement, and a sense of wholeness.

The Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana, often described as the heartbeat of tarot, encompasses 56 cards divided into four captivating suits: Cups, Coins, Swords, and Wands. Within these suits, a world of symbolism and meaning awaits, each suit representing a distinct facet of the human experience.

  • Cups: The Ebb and Flow of Emotions. The Cups suit embodies the ever-shifting currents of human emotions, relationships, and connections.
  • Coins: Nurturing Material Realms. Coins delve into the tangible aspects of life, addressing matters of wealth, career, and physical well-being.
  • Swords: The Sharp Edge of Intellect. Swords are the embodiment of intellect, thought, and reason.
  • Wands: Igniting the Fires of Creativity. Wands burst with the fiery energy of creativity, action, and ambition.

How to Use the QR Codes

Prometheus Tarot offers a unique approach to exploring the symbolism and interpretation of each card. Instead of providing detailed explanations in a physical booklet, we’ve incorporated individual QR codes on the back of every card.

To access the additional content, all you need is internet connection and your smartphone’s camera or a QR code-reader application. Here’s a simple guide on how to use the QR codes effectively:

  1. Hold your smartphone’s camera at a distance of approximately 15-20 cm from the card to ensure the QR code is clear and in focus.
  2. If the image appears blurry, keep your phone steady and tap on the QR code displayed on your screen.
  3. After a few seconds, you should receive a notification directing you to
  4. Simply tap on the notification, and it will take you to the relevant page on our website.
  5. Please note that some smartphones may display this notification only once. If you miss it, don’t worry. Just close your camera application and open it again for another attempt.

Unlock deeper insights and discover the hidden symbolism of each card with ease. Happy exploring!

Reading the Cards

Interpreting the Tarot involves more than understanding the meanings of the cards; it’s about tapping into your intuition and allowing the imagery and symbolism to speak to you.

  • Contextual Awareness: Consider the context of the question and the querent’s life situation.
  • Intuitive Reading: Let your instincts guide you in interpreting the imagery and symbols.
  • Combining Meanings: Look at how the cards interact with each other to tell a broader story.
  • Reading Styles: Develop your unique reading style that combines traditional meanings with personal intuition.

Reversed Cards

In the world of tarot, reversed cards add an intriguing dimension to your readings. Some tarot practitioners choose to ignore reversed cards altogether, focusing solely on the upright meanings of the 78 cards in their deck. However, for those who wish to delve deeper and explore the subtleties of tarot symbolism, reversed cards hold a special allure.

The Choice is Yours. Whether or not to read reversed cards is a matter of personal preference. There is no right or wrong way to approach tarot readings, and it ultimately depends on your comfort level and intuition. If you’re a beginner, it’s perfectly fine to start by using the upright meanings of the cards exclusively. This approach allows you to become familiar with the core symbolism of the tarot.


Tarot spreads are the patterns in which the tarot cards are placed to interpret the past, understand the present, or prepare us for the future. The choice of a spread depends on the question at hand. Here are a few common spreads:

Three Card Spread:

This is one of the simplest and most commonly used spreads in tarot. Each card in the spread corresponds to the past (1), present (2), and future (3), respectively. It can also be used to interpret situations by considering the cards as representing the situation itself (1), the action required (2), and the outcome (3).

Five Card Spread:

In this spread, the first card represents the present, the second one stands for the past, the third one the future. The fourth card indicates the reason behind the question, and the fifth one represents the potential outcome.

Horseshoe Spread:

This is a seven-card spread that’s useful for getting an overview of a situation. The cards represent the past (1), present (2), and future (3), as well as the unconscious (4), conscious (5), and influences (6). The last card gives the final result (7).

Celtic Cross Spread:

This is one of the oldest and most detailed tarot spreads. It involves ten cards and gives a detailed reading for complex and significant issues.

Interpreting the Celtic Cross

A Scenario

Question: “How can I best navigate the challenges in my current romantic relationship?”

The Spread:

  1. Present Situation: The Lovers - At the core, the relationship has a foundation of deep love, connection, and mutual respect. There’s a powerful bond between the two, which is what makes navigating challenges worth the effort.
  2. Obstacles: Nine of Swords - Representing anxiety, worry, and sleepless nights. The main obstacle here seems to be overthinking or stressing about issues, potentially blowing them out of proportion.
  3. Root-cause: Five of Wands - This card suggests conflicts, competition, or disagreements. It might be that both parties are struggling for dominance or facing personal internal conflicts that affect the relationship.
  4. Past: Three of Cups - This card reflects a past of joy, celebration, and harmonious relationships. Fond memories, mutual friends, and shared experiences formed a strong foundation.
  5. Strength: Ace of Swords - Symbolizing clarity, truth, and breakthroughs. This suggests that open communication can lead to understanding and resolving conflicts in the relationship.
  6. Immediate Future: Eight of Cups - This card suggests a journey, possibly emotional or physical distancing to gain perspective. It doesn’t necessarily indicate a breakup but perhaps a need for space to reflect and grow.
  7. Attitude: The Hermit - Indicates a need for introspection and self-reflection. The seeker might feel they need alone time to think about what they truly want from the relationship.
  8. Environmental Factors: Wheel of Fortune - External factors, chance, and the unpredictable nature of life play a role. There may be external pressures or unforeseen changes affecting the relationship.
  9. Hopes and Fears: Ten of Swords - Fear of betrayal, painful endings, or feeling backstabbed. But, it could also represent the hope for an end to the current issues and starting afresh.
  10. Outcome: Queen of Cups - Symbolizing compassion, emotional stability, and intuitive understanding. This indicates a potential for healing, mutual understanding, and deeper emotional bonding.

Potential Interpretations:

The Heart’s Struggle: The current relationship, while based on genuine love, is facing significant challenges primarily from internal conflicts and external pressures. Past shared joys serve as a reminder of the beauty of the relationship. Clear communication and taking time for self-reflection could pave the way for healing. The cards, particularly The Lovers and the Queen of Cups, indicate a strong emotional bond that can withstand challenges. However, the influence of the Five of Wands and Nine of Swords suggests that battles and anxieties can overshadow love if not addressed.

Cycle of Growth: The relationship is in a phase of evolution. Challenges, both internal and external, are pushing both parties to grow and adapt. The Wheel of Fortune, combined with the Eight of Cups, implies that sometimes distance or change, though unpredictable, can lead to personal growth. The Ace of Swords and Queen of Cups, when viewed together, suggest that clarity and compassion can provide the path forward.

Caring for Your Deck

A Tarot deck is a tool that benefits from care and respect. Store your deck in a clean, sacred space. Cleanse it regularly, either physically or energetically, to keep its energy pure and powerful.