XII. - The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man hangs upside down, suspended by his right foot. His body, along with the beam, forms a T-shape, symbolizing the tau cross or sacrifice. His left leg crosses the other, forming the shape of a four, which represents earthly existence. His hands create a triangle, indicating the divine dimension. The message of this inverted position is that the world has turned upside down, and we need to look at things from a radically new perspective. A halo shines around his head, symbolizing inner enlightenment. His face is calm, reflecting serene surrender in this difficult situation.

General Meaning

Pause, Surrender, Letting Go, New Perspectives
The Hanged Man signifies a forced pause and the necessity of a new perspective. It urges the release of original intentions and previous expectations.


Reflection, Letting Go, Patience
In love, it might be time for a voluntary pause. Patience and openness are needed for a new perspective.


Sacrifice, Release of Control, Reassessment
It indicates a period of professional reassessment, possibly requiring sacrifice. It calls for a release of control to allow new opportunities to unfold.

Reversed Hanged Man

Stalling, Resistance, Stagnation
Reversed, The Hanged Man warns of stalling and unnecessary resistance, advising acceptance of change and letting go of something to move forward.