I. - The Magician

The Magician

The Magician stands before a radiant background, adorned with a belt buckle depicting a snake biting its own tail. His gaze is fixed on us, and the symbol of infinity hovers above his head, representing all the knowledge and skills he has acquired to become master of the elements. With his right hand, he points a candle burning at both ends towards the sky, while his left index finger points to the ground. His posture signifies "As above, so below." On the table, symbols of the Tarot Minor Arcana are visible: the coin for earth, the sword for air, the cup for water, and the wand for fire. A bird flits from one element to another on the table, which may indicate the Magician's tendency to be distracted. The monkey on his shoulder represents the Magician's shadow side, the skill of creating illusions and tricks. The roses symbolize all the potential that can be mastered with patience and focus. The Magician is a powerfully positive card, where the number four dominates; the four corners of the table, the four elements, represent becoming a master, the fulfillment that comes with it, and the power to shape our environment.

General Meaning

Manifestation, Resourcefulness, Power, Inspiration, Action

The Magician encourages creation, exploiting the elements, and translating ideas into action.


Direct Communication, Valuable Connection, Attraction
In matters of love, this card suggests clear communication of desires and spending creative time together.


Skill, Diplomacy, Concentrated Effort
Use your skills and initiative in career matters, and through targeted effort, you can achieve success.

Reversed Magician

Manipulation, Poor Planning, Untapped Talents
Reversed, The Magician warns of manipulation, wasted potential, or lack of planning. It advises careful examination of your intentions and the details of your plans.