Four of Coins

Four of Coins

On the Four of Coins, a robust merchant clad in ornate attire is seen almost engulfed by gold coins. Even atop his crown, a coin is balanced. The amassed gold coins beneath his throne restrict his freedom of movement. The merchant's posture and facial expression may suggest greed and excessive attachment to acquired wealth. In this card, wealth and stability intertwine with the retention of riches, as well as with stinginess and excessive caution. The grey cityscape in the background appears alien and menacing, hinting at isolation.

General Meaning

Attachment, Security Seeking, Greed, Saving
The Four of Coins warns of the dangers of excessive attachment to material things and mistrust, and how easily such an attitude can lead to getting stuck in life's "rat race."


Security Seeking, Mistrust, Materialism
In love, the Four of Coins may indicate that material aspects are overly emphasized in relationships, or that one party is overly protective of their financial security, hindering the development of genuine connections.


Excessive Caution, Inflexibility
In career matters, the card suggests a rigid adherence to securing a stable financial position, a stance that stifles creativity.

Reversed Four of Coins

Irresponsibility, Overspending, Squandering
Reversed, the Four of Coins may point to financial irresponsibility, overspending, and the squandering of material assets.