Six of Wands

Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is the card of victory, success, and public recognition. It depicts a messenger on a white horse leading a victory parade, seemingly celebrating a won battle. The rider wears a laurel wreath and holds another wreath-decorated wand in one hand. In the other hand, he presents a letter towards us. The other wands held by figures in the background represent the support and acknowledgment from the community. The atmosphere is festive and majestic as the rider is welcomed home from a successful venture.

General Meaning

Victory, acknowledgment, pride, good news
The Six of Wands brings the message of victory. Our efforts are widely recognized and celebrated.


Successful relationship, pride in the relationship
In this area, the Six of Wands signifies a successful and stable relationship, and the achievement of a significant relationship milestone, which our environment celebrates with us.


Promotion, success, leadership, recognition
Professionally, the Six of Wands can bring promotion, successful project completion, and leadership recognition, crowning our efforts.

Reversed Six of Wands

Fleeting victory, lack of acknowledgment, ego issues.
In a reversed position, the Six of Wands warns of the transience of victory, lack of acknowledgment, or challenges related to ego that can lead to alienation from our supporters. It encourages us to reevaluate our approach to success and recognition.