XX. - Judgement


A radiant angel proclaims the final judgement, calling the dead to life. The card signifies the end of a long and arduous period, indicating liberation. It calls for an accounting of past actions and points to the opportunity for renewal. In the wake of the angel, the earth opens and divides the masses, which could mean that we need to break away from certain communities, as our previous ties may no longer work in their current form.

General Meaning

Reckoning, Redemption, Awakening, Renewal
Judgement represents a time of reckoning, inviting reflection on past actions and decisions, accepting redemption, and heeding a higher calling.


Forgiveness, Rebirth
In love, this card suggests a time for potential forgiveness, offering an opportunity for rebirth within the relationship.


Assessment, Rearrangement, New Goals
From a career perspective, it calls for assessment and reorganization, encouraging the individual to conclude a long-standing process to open up new opportunities.

Reversed Judgement

Lack of Self-Confidence, Ignored Callings, Unheeded Lessons
Reversed, Judgement indicates a lack of self-confidence, ignorance, and unheeded lessons, suggesting the necessity for self-examination.