Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

A harrowing scene unfolds on the Ten of Swords card: a man lies motionless while ten swords protrude upwards around him, like the harsh judgments of fate. The figure's helplessness and the threatening presence of the swords paint a picture of collapse from which there is no return. A slightly more optimistic interpretation is that the card's protagonist has sacrificed everything and died a glorious death. The red cloak in the background symbolizes the passion with which he went into battle.

General Meaning

Fatal blow, Nadir, Rest

This card captures the actual moment of the end, from which there is no turning back. However, the darkness of the night is eventually replaced by the light of dawn, casting the situation in a positive light.


Heartbreak, End of a relationship, Wounds
In matters of the heart, the Ten of Swords may depict a crisis breakup or deep emotional wounds but also offers an opportunity for a fresh start and rebuilding emotions.


End of a career, Searching for new perspectives, Rediscovering oneself
In work, the card can indicate the closure of an era, which may come as a painful and shocking blow, yet it also encourages us to seek new perspectives that enable us to rediscover ourselves and our abilities.

Reversed Ten of Swords

Clinging to what has passed, Denial
When reversed, the card suggests denial, an unwillingness to accept that something must end. Allowing ourselves to be touched by the mourning of passing can lead to relief and witnessing positive changes sprouting from painful experiences.