Blog Post: Unveiling the Mystical World of Tarot – Prometheus Tarot vs. Rider-Waite Tarot

Blog Post: Unveiling the Mystical World of Tarot – Prometheus Tarot vs. Rider-Waite Tarot


Welcome to the first volume of our series exploring the fascinating world of tarot cards. In this series, we will delve into the symbolic richness of the Prometheus Tarot, a deck designed with a modern artistic flair, and compare it with the classic Rider-Waite Tarot, one of the most iconic tarot decks in the world. Through this comparison, we will uncover the deep connections these cards have with mysticism, Kabbalah, occultism, and Christianity. Today, we begin with the first four cards of the Major Arcana: The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Empress.

The Fool

The Fool


Prometheus Tarot: In the Prometheus Tarot, The Fool is depicted standing on the edge of a cliff, accompanied by a loyal dog. The Fool’s posture is dynamic, with one foot forward, symbolizing a leap of faith. He carries a staff with a small bundle, representing his minimal baggage and readiness for new adventures. The vibrant sky and the presence of a white rose and a green laurel wreath signify purity, victory, and the beauty of beginnings.

Rider-Waite Tarot: The Rider-Waite Fool also stands on the edge of a cliff, with a similar carefree posture. He holds a white rose, symbolizing purity and innocence. The dog at his feet represents loyalty and protection. The sun shines brightly, illuminating his path, suggesting divine guidance and clarity.

Symbolism & Interpretation: Both versions of The Fool emphasize new beginnings, innocence, and a sense of adventure. The white rose in both cards highlights purity and enlightenment. The cliff signifies the risks and challenges of embarking on a new journey, while the dog symbolizes loyalty and guidance.

The Magician


Prometheus Tarot: The Magician in the Prometheus Tarot stands confidently with one hand holding a candle that burns at both ends, representing his mastery over dualities and balance. His other hand points downward, embodying the "as above, so below" principle. The lush garden background signifies growth and potential, while the infinity symbol above his head indicates infinite possibilities.

Rider-Waite Tarot: The Rider-Waite Magician stands before a table with the symbols of the four elements: a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand. His right hand points to the sky, and his left hand points to the earth, also symbolizing his role as a conduit between the spiritual and physical realms. The infinity symbol above his head represents his boundless potential.

Symbolism & Interpretation: Both versions of The Magician highlight themes of mastery, manifestation, and connection between realms. The candle burning at both ends in the Prometheus Tarot emphasizes the balance and duality he controls, while the Rider-Waite focuses on the Magician's role as a mediator of divine power. The garden in the Prometheus Tarot underscores themes of growth and creation.

The High Priestess

Prometheus Tarot: The High Priestess in the Prometheus Tarot is depicted seated between two pillars, reminiscent of the biblical pillars Boaz and Jachin, symbolizing duality and balance. She holds a Torah book, emphasizing her connection to divine knowledge and spiritual law. The owl beside her represents wisdom and intuition, while the moon at her feet and the pomegranates enhance her connection to the subconscious and fertility. The radiating light from her right hand suggests enlightenment and divine guidance.

Rider-Waite Tarot: The Rider-Waite High Priestess also sits between two pillars, marked Boaz and Jachin, representing duality and balance. She holds a scroll inscribed with the word "TORA," indicating divine law and hidden knowledge. The crescent moon at her feet, the pomegranate veil behind her, and the cross on her chest suggest mystery, fertility, and the divine feminine. The owl and the pear on her headdress further symbolize wisdom and the spiritual journey.

Symbolism & Interpretation: Both High Priestess cards emphasize themes of intuition, hidden knowledge, and the divine feminine. The Prometheus Tarot enhances these themes with the inclusion of the owl and the radiating light from her hand, highlighting wisdom and divine insight. The biblical references, moon, and pomegranates in both cards underscore her role as a guardian of spiritual secrets and her deep connection to the subconscious.

The Empress

Prometheus Tarot: The Empress in the Prometheus Tarot lounges in a lush, abundant field with a pillow bearing the Venus symbol, representing love and beauty. She wears a blue crystal crown and holds a golden scepter, symbolizing her sovereignty and connection to the divine feminine. The presence of a wheat field and a lush forest highlights fertility and growth.

Rider-Waite Tarot: The Rider-Waite Empress sits on a throne adorned with cushions and the symbol of Venus. She is surrounded by a bountiful landscape, with a river flowing through it, symbolizing nourishment and life. Her crown of twelve stars represents her dominion over the natural world and the cycles of the year.

Symbolism & Interpretation: Both Empress cards celebrate themes of fertility, abundance, and the divine feminine. The Prometheus Tarot's depiction emphasizes the natural beauty of the Empress's surroundings and her relaxed posture, while the Rider-Waite focuses on her regal presence and the flow of life-giving energy. The symbol of Venus is prominent in both, highlighting love and creativity.


The first four cards of the Major Arcana in both the Prometheus Tarot and the Rider-Waite Tarot reveal rich layers of symbolism and meaning. While the Prometheus Tarot introduces modern artistic elements, the core themes remain rooted in mysticism, Kabbalah, occultism, and Christianity. These cards invite us to explore new beginnings, master our abilities, delve into hidden knowledge, and embrace the nurturing power of the divine feminine. Stay tuned for the next volume, where we will continue our journey through the Major Arcana.

By exploring the similarities and differences in these tarot decks, we gain deeper insights into the timeless wisdom they offer. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or a curious newcomer, the journey through these cards promises to be both enlightening and inspiring.

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Order the Prometheus Tarot today and unlock the mysteries of the universe with this unique deck. Whether you're a seasoned tarot reader or a curious newcomer, the Prometheus Tarot will guide you on a journey of discovery and enlightenment. Don’t miss out – start your tarot journey now!